Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day comes to our House

Because patience is not my strong point when it comes to giving gifts for holidaze, Valentine's Day came early this year.

Since I am my own Valentine, I found this wonderful necklace for myself at a second hand shop. I also ordered a new simple (no videos or online uploads or dishwashing--don't want it don't need it) Pink MP3 player and I will give my "old" one to my mom. She has been talking for a couple weeks about wanting one to drown out her husband's blaring television (after all these years...).

Patrick, being ever practical, wanted a 1 million candle power flashlight. He was thrilled. Happy Valentine's...

Another second hand shop find for Mary. She loves photography and took a course this past year. I found an older model 35 mm camera at a great price (I also got her 4 rolls of film). As you can see, she was so sad. We are trying to locate on owner's manual for Olympia DL2000A. Thus far, can't find one online.

Katie, our naturalist, received an Arctic Fox mommy and baby. She has named the mom Genevieve, and the baby Delwin.

Patrick taking his new 1 million candle power flashlight for a spin. (Yes, of course, our Christmas tree is still up.)

Buddy, being our King of Leisure Wear, appreciated his new Transformers knit pants. He lives in clothes like these. He's not a big fan of the new movies (they were too intense for us) he loved the cartoons and owns many of the action toys that fit together to make a bigger Transformer. (I bought these because the other choices were pants he already had or Square Bob Love Pants. I took the Transformers).

Katie made an origami valentine for me. Isn't that sweet? I love it.
And now, for Valentine's Day Sunday, the Wockenflock is speaking in Church on Love of God.

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